My Internship at Lexicon

Hey there, it’s been a while since I last posted a blog, but here it is!

I’ve been spending my last 6 months on an student exchange program at Assumption University in Thailand. The experience has been quite amazing however I can’t get quite into it yet! that’s for the upcoming blogs.


I’m here to talk about the end, yes, the very last bit of my exchange program. My internship! I was placed at a Marketing/business/media company ‘Lexicon’ which focuses on helping company’s create strategic media content to reach their targeted audience.


My role there was to be apart of the video production team. We would cover tasks from traveling to corporate interview shoots, to planning for short documentary series and editing the projects until it is ready to be delivered to the client.


The typical day, we would arrive into the office in the morning and be on our way to a shoot, in the afternoon we would be back at the office editing all the footage we had captured sometimes even until 9pm. A project’s edit can vary in time drastically, some could take days, some even weeks. The team at lexicon is very passionate and give it their best. I remember days where most of us would still be in the office 4 hours after work, even when it was our birthdays.


I enjoyed my time at Lexicon and would like the thank the team for this great experience. I have learnt a lot and hopefully get to work with each other again in the future.


Thanks for reading, subscribe if you would like to see more.

William Wei



How I convinced my parents?

The stereotypical perception of our parents letting us travel or take a gap year is almost impossible for us. Even when you just got to UNI after 13 years of schooling and you’d really like to see what else there is outside of education…it would still be no.

They would say things like

“Why do you want to go to Europe? Stay here, its dangerous there!”

I can’t speak for other ethnics but I know the vast majority of Asian parents would not allow their children to take a gap year or travel alone.

So how did i do it? (Convincing guide)

1. Understand

Well first, you need to understand what your parents want, every parent or the majority of parents only want the best for you, they only want to guide you in the right direction so you’re not making a mistake, if you understand this, then you’re closer to finding that sweet spot.

2. Formulate the your goals

So next you’ll need to formulate this goal of what you want to achieve, and evaluate all the potential outcomes such as what you will give up if you choose to partake in this trip.

My evaluation was:

What i gain – learn, experience, understand, fulfilling my goals set for my self.

What i lose – precious time with my family & friends

At the time when I evaluating this, I was lost, I didn’t know what I wanted to do or be, I needed time to be alone where I was able to think heavily for myself.

You know those times when you’re alone in the city or out in nature with your camera and you start to question and think deeply about everything without interruptions, or what other people wanted you to see or think, you just followed your own instincts, did you what you wanted to do, rather than anyone elses, that was what I needed.

3. The pitch

So I explained to them why this was important for me as it could potentially be the stepping stones that form my future, I needed to see the world for myself, why each countries perform tasks as they do and how? E.g economically 😂 Why some cultures think something is taboo while another doesn’t?

For example in Japan, slurping your noodles is seen as that you’re enjoying your food, where as in western countries it would be considered rude.

Or gifting cultures, in Chinese culture you’re not supposed to gift someone a clock or watch for birthday as it suggests their time is almost up or clock is ticking where as in western culture it is completely normal.

Once I had given them a reason on why it would be the better option for me, they would understand and bound to let you make up your own decisions, as ones life can’t be caged up,

Just like a flower, you don’t teach it to grow, you let them blossom themselves.

4. Fear

This is the stage where they are already convinced of what the best path for you is, but they can’t help to worry and fear because it’s something completely new to them.

This is where you’ll need to do a risk assessment of all the potential scenarios that could happen, mine was pretty funny… not

Worst case scenarios

– Get kidnapped/sold/trafficked

– Die in plane/car/boat crash

– Fall off cliff

– Become extremely sick

Yeah…. these are some pretty bad scenarios however, realistically it does happen to people,

But I mean it could happen to me even while I’m at home? So why’s it stopping me?

Once you calculate the chances, you’ll find that the more likely situation that would occur is someone pick-pocketing you in Italy,

yes that happened to me, luckily my friends spotted the group of pickpockets and stopped then. Thanks Fanny & Nikki if you read this!

5. Easing their fears

Next you’ve got to ease your parents fears and explain why these scenarios shouldn’t be likely to affect your trip as you’ve planned backups even if it occurs, (not the death part sorry)

6. Acting upon your plans

If you don’t commit towards your plan and live up to the words you’ve pitched to your parents, you can kiss goodbye to it all.

7. Love your parents because even if they may have stopped you from doing something that you really wanted to do, it all leads back to them just trying to guide you in the direction of what they think is the best for you.

Hope you enjoyed the read,

let me know what you think,


I’m officially going to start blogging!

Okay so you’re probably wondering why am I, a photographer & filmmaker going to start blogging, are you serious?

Well yeah, I think it’s time to share, I don’t just like to take photos and make films, I also like to tell stories, not just through words but visually too, you’ll see a lot of pictures in my blogs & I’ll try to post as often as I can!


Topics I’ll tend to write about

  • Everything
  • Photography
  • Filmmaking
  • Thinking approaches
  • Thoughts which inspired me
  • Travelling
  • Moments
  • Shortcuts in life


So these blogs could either be a really good idea, or a really bad idea when I look back 20 years later, but it’s all subjective and at least i’ll have something to look back at. I’m not the best writer, nor the best photographer, nor the best at anything really, but I’ll be able to write honestly and give you insight into what I know and give an explanation on why I do everything I am doing, along with my future plans ahead. Think of this as a digital archive of thoughts which could potentially inspire numerous 12 year old’s into creating the next Titantic, ahhh that would be the dream!


Additionally I’d like to hear your thoughts about everything too, my opinions, perspectives, what I plan to do, whether you agree or disagree, I’m open to all ideas as long as you give an explanation of why you think that. I’d love to have my mindset changed, I want to create as much discussion as possible, so tune in if you’re interested as I write about my past, present and future, I want to evoke as many thoughts and hopefully trigger some actions from you to making a difference in this world.

William Wei 05/06/18